It’s what Hannibal Lecter said that Buffalo Bill does with
his victims. He covets.
That’s how I felt about this vintage shelf with flaky paint
I saw carelessly left outside of a shop close to my house. I coveted it.
I wanted it. I needed it.
Creepy Silence of the
Lambs reference too much?
The first time I saw it, I thought to myself: that would look pretty sweet in my living
room. But I left it there. Outside.
In the elements. To flake even more.
When I went to sleep that night, all I could think of was
that vintage shelf with flaky paint.
Flaky white paint. And y’all know how I feel about white
furniture! I. Must. Have. It!
A few weeks later, I casually told a gym patron about the
vintage shelf with flaky paint I saw.
She knew exactly what I was
talking about. She is a regular at that
shop and said the shelf had been sitting outside for months.
MY vintage shelf with
flaky paint!? Out in the cold! For…MONTHS!?
I made up my mind right then and there I would come to the
rescue of that damsel in distress. John
begrudgingly trudged the two blocks from our gym to the shop and tried to
disguise his eye roll when he saw the shelf I had been talking about for
Like a knight in shining armor, the two of us swooped in and
saved her! My hero!
John carried her home in his arms, and gently laid her down
to rest. Which is where she
See her? That’s
her…on the floor…next to the bright orange foam roller. Lying below the spot where I want to hang
She’s only been waiting to be hung and styled for a few weeks…